PULSE Validation Research

PULSE Validation Research

Motus/ PULSE Research and Validation


Boddy KJ, Marsh JA, Caravan A, Lindley KE, Scheffey JO, O’Connell ME.

Exploring wearable sensors as an alternative to marker-based motion capture in the pitching delivery.

PeerJ (2019).

Dowling B, McNally MP, Laughlin WA, Onate JA.

Changes in throwing arm mechanics at increased distances during structured long-toss.

Amer J Sports Med (2018).

Okoroha KR, Meldau JE, Lizzio VA, Meta F, Stephens JP, Moutzouros V, Makhni EC.

Effects of fatigue on medial elbow torque in baseball pitchers: A simulated game analysis.

Amer J Sports Med (2018).

Okoroha KR, Lizzio VA, Meta F, Ahmad CS, Mouthourous V, Makhni EC.

Predictors of elbow torque among youth and adolescent baseball pitchers.

Amer J Sports Med (2018).

Reinold MM, Macrina LC, Fleisig GS, Aune K, Andrews JR.

Effect of a 6-week weighted baseball throwing program on pitch velocity, pitching arm biomechanics, passive range of motion, and injury rates.

Sports Health (2018).

Eric C. Makhni, M.D., M.B.A., Vincent A. Lizzio, B.S., Fabien Meta, B.S., Jeffrey P. Stephens, Ph.D., Kelechi R. Okoroha, M.D., and Vasilios Moutzouros, M.D.

Assessment of Elbow Torque and Other Parameters During the Pitching Motion: Comparison of Fastball, Curveball, and Change-up Objectively differentiating movement patterns between elite and novice athletes.

Med & The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery (2018).

Ross GB, Dowling B, Troje NF, Fischer SL, Graham RB.

Objectively differentiating movement patterns between elite and novice athletes.

Med & Sci in Sport Exer (2018).

Luera MJ, Dowling B, Magrini MA, Muddle TWD, Colquhoun RJ, Jenkins ND.

Role of rotational kinematics in minimizing elbow varus torques for professional versus high school pitchers.

Ortho J Sports Med, (2018).

Fleisig GS, Diffendaffer AZ, Ivey B, Aune KT, Laughlin WT, Fortenbaugh D, Bolt B, Lucas W, Moore KD, and Dugas JR

Changes in youth baseball pitching biomechanics: a 7 year longitudinal study.

Am J Sports Med, (2017).

Camp CL, Tubbs TG, Fleisig GS, Dines JS, Dines DM, Altchek DW, Dowling B.

The relationship of throwing arm mechanics and elbow varus torque: within-subject variation for professional baseball players across 82,000 throws.

Am J Sports Med (2017).

Dowling B, McPherson A, Paci J.

Weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and sagittal plane kinematics during unilateral drop jump landing in healthy male athletes.

The J Sports Med Phys Fit (2017).

Fleisig GS, Laughlin WA, Aune KT, Cain EL, Dugas JR, Andrews JR.

Differences among Fastball, Curveball, and Change-Up Pitching Biomechanics Across Various Levels of Baseball.

Sports Biomech (2016)

Laughlin WA, Aune KT, Diffendaffer AZ, Fleisig GS

The Effects of Baseball Bat Mass Properties on Swing Mechanics, Ground Reaction, Forces, and Swing Timing.

Sports Biomech (2016)

McPherson AL, Dowling B, Tubbs TG, Paci JM

Sagittal plane kinematic differences between dominant and non-dominant legs in unilateral and bilateral jump landings.

Phys Ther Sport (2016)

Dowling B, Fleisig GS

Kinematic comparison of baseball batting off of a tee among various competition levels.

Sports Biomech (2016)

Fleisig GS

Editorial Commentary: Changing Times in Sports Biomechanics: Baseball Pitching Injuries and Emerging Wearable Technology

Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 34, No 3 (March), 2018 pp 823-824

Fleisig GS, Diffendaffer AZ, Aune KT, Ivey B, Laughlin WA.

Biomechanical Analysis of Weighted-Ball Exercises for Baseball Pitchers.

Sports Health, in press. PMID: 27872403

Cain EL Jr, Fleisig GS, Ponce BA, Boohaker HA, George MP, McGwin G Jr, Andrews JR, Lemak LJ, Clancy WG Jr, Dugas JR.

Variables Associated with Chondral and Meniscal Injuries in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery. 

J Knee Surg, in press. PMID: 27894146

Dugas JR, Bedford BB, Andrachuk JS, Scillia AJ, Aune KT, Cain EL, Andrews JR, Fleisig GS.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Baseball Players.

Arthroscopy, 32(11):2278-84, 2016. PMID: 27160462

Fleisig GS, Laughlin WA, Aune KT, Cain EL, Dugas JR, Andrews JR.

Differences among Fastball, Curveball, and Change-Up Pitching Biomechanics Across Various Levels of Baseball.

Sports Biomech, 15(2):128-38, 2016. PMID: 27110899

Dugas JR, Walters BL, Beason DP, Fleisig GS, Chronister JE.

Biomechanical Comparison of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair With Internal Bracing Versus Modified Jobe Reconstruction.

Am J Sports Med 44(3):in press, 2016. PMID: 26808714.

Ponce BA, Cain EL Jr, Pflugner R, Fleisig GS, Young BL, Boohaker HA, Swain TA, Andrews JR, Dugas JR.

Risk Factors for Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

J Knee Surg, in press. PMID: 26238768

Fleisig GS, Leddon CE, Laughlin WA, Ciccotti MG, Mandelbaum BR, Aune KT, Escamilla RF, MacLeod TD, Andrews JR.

Biomechanical performance of baseball pitchers with a history of ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction.

Am J Sports Med 43(5):1045-50, 2015. PMID: 25690625

Conte SA, Fleisig GS, Dines JS, Wilk KE, Aune KT, Patterson-Flynn N, ElAttrache N.

Prevalence of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Surgery in Professional Baseball Players.

Am J Sports Med 43(7):1764-9, 2015. PMID: 25925603

Colberg RE, Aune KT, Choi AJ, Fleisig GS. 

Incidence and prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions in collegiate tennis athletes. 

J Med Sci Tennis 20(3):137-44, 2015.

Wilk KE, Macrina LC, Fleisig GS, Aune KT, Porterfield RA, Harker P, Evans TJ, Andrews JR.

Deficits in Glenohumeral Passive Range of Motion Increase Risk of Shoulder Injury in Professional Baseball Pitchers: A Prospective Study.

Am J Sports Med 43(10):2379-85, 2015. PMID: 26272516

Beason DP, Shah JP, Duckett JW, Jost PW, Fleisig GS, Cain EL Jr.

Torsional Fracture of the Humerus after Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis with an Interference Screw: A Biomechanical Cadaveric Study.

Clin Biomech 30(9):915-20, 2015. PMID: 26255072

Abstracts / Presentations

Hansen B, Dowling B

Modeling Elbow Valgus Torque From Throwing Distance With 54,700 Collegiate Baseball Throws

Presented at the meeting of the 66th American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL 2019

Luera MJ, Magrini MA, Muddle TWD, Colquhoun RJ, DeFreitas JM, Dowling B, Jenkins, NDM

Professional pitchers achieve higher fastball velocities but lower varus elbow torques than high school pitchers.

Presented at the meeting of the 64th American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO, 2017

Dowling B, Owen CP, Laughlin W, Fleisig GS

Kinematic and kinetic comparison between American and Japanese college pitchers.

Presented at the meeting of the 35th International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Cologne, Germany, 2017

Dowling B, Owen CP, Tubbs TG, Dines J, Camp C

Relationship between throwing arm mechanics and interval throwing distance in high school baseball players.

Presented at the meeting of the 35th International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Cologne, Germany, 2017

Ross GB, Dowling B, Troje NF, Fisher SL, Graham RB

Objectively differentiating whole-body movement patterns and quality in athletes.

Presented at the meeting of the 26th International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, 2017

Dowling B, Laughlin W, Owen CP, Hansen B, Fleisig GS

Pelvis rotational velocity and energy during baseball batting.

Presented at the meeting of the 41st American Society of Biomechanics, Boulder, CO, 2017

O’Loughlin, Dowling B, Mallard J, Robertson C, Wight J

Using the Motus baseball pitching sleeve to compare pitching and long toss throwing arm biomechanics.

Presented at the meeting of the 41st American Society of Biomechanics, Boulder, CO, 2017

Ross GB, Dowling B, Fischer SL, Graham RB

The application of principal components analysis as a movement pattern recognition technique: a proof of principle. 

Presented at Ontario Biomechanics Conference, 2016

Dowling B, Pearl C, Laughlin W, Tubbs TG, Fleisig GS

Relationship of pelvic and trunk kinematics to ball velocity in professional baseball pitchers.

Presented at the meeting of 40th American Society of Biomechanics, Raleigh, NC

Dowling B, McPherson A, Pearl C, Laughlin W, Stone J

Association of weight bearing ankle dorsiflexion range of motion on sagittal plane kinematics during single-leg drop jump in healthy males.

Presented at the meeting of 40th American Society of Biomechanics, Raleigh, NC

Pearl C, Laughlin T, Dowling B, Fleisig GS, Tubbs T

The effect of reduced distance on full effort baseball pitching biomechanics.

Presented at the meeting of 40th American Society of Biomechanics, Raleigh, NC

Christopher L. Camp, MD, Brittany Dowling, MS, Travis Tubbs, MS, Glenn S. Fleisig, PhD, David M. Dines, MD, David W. Altchek, MD, Joshua S. Dines, MD

The Impact of Throwing Arm Mechanics on Elbow Torque: Within-Subject Variation for Professional Baseball Pitchers.


Camp CL, Tubbs T, Fleisig GS, Dines JS, Dines DM, Altchek DW, Dowling B

The Relationship of Throwing Arm Mechanics and Elbow Varus Torque: within-subject variation for professional baseball pitchers across 81,999 throws.

American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2017 Annual Meeting. March 2017. San Diego, CA. Poster #P479

Camp CL, Dowling B, Tubbs T, Dines D, Altchek DW, Dines JS

Modifiable Factors That Affect Elbow Torque During Throwing: Analysis of 81,999 Throws from Professional Baseball Players.

Mid-America Orthopedic Association (MAOA) 2017 Annual Meeting. April 2017. Amelia Island, FL. Poster #97


Armijo S; Hansen B, Mullholland C, Phelps G, Dowling B, Carroll W; Yoga 42, Motus Global, KineticPro

The Effect of Yoga on Pitcher Recovery Following In-Game Throwing.

Hansen, B; Motus Global

Optimized Acute Workload Computation for Baseball Pitchers: Coupled 9-Day Exponentially Weighted Averages With Dynamic Divisors.

Hansen B, Dowling B, Carroll W; Motus Global, Conger B, Sonne M, Dechant Z, Camp C, Gabbett T

Evaluating Rehabilitation Throwing Programs & Injury Datasets With Acute:Chronic Ratios and Physiology-Based Fatigue Units.

Hansen B, Dowling B, Carroll W; Motus Global

Modeling Elbow Valgus Torque From Throwing Distance With 627,925 Baseball Throws By Competition Level.

Hansen, B; Motus Global

Modeling Elbow Valgus Torque From Ball Weight With 381,946 Baseball Throws.

Solomito, Matthew J; Connecticut Children's Medical Center

Connecticut Children's Validation Testing of the Motus Sleeve - Final Report.

Hansen, B; Motus Global

motusTHROW Wearable Data Summary.

Hellem, Aaron; Mayo Clinic

Investigating the accuracy and precision of a kinematics from a clinical grade inertial measurement unit.

Hansen, B; Motus Global

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the UCL under various valgus loading conditions.

Hansen, B; Motus Global.

Evaluating a standard rehab throwing program.

Dowling, B; Motus Global.

Literature Briefing of Correlations to Elbow Valgus Torque.

Hansen, B; Motus Global.

Dynamic Divisor – A method to use AC ratios earlier.

Hansen, B; Motus Global

Case Study: High Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio Exposure associated with UCL Tear in Professional Baseball Player.

Hansen, B; Laughlin, T; Motus Global.

Validation of an IMU system for measuring ankle rom and gait mechanics for running analysis.

Hansen B, Dechant Z.

Dechant Simulation – Acute:Chronic workload ratios of a reliever across various chronic and one-day workloads.

Hansen B, Laughlin W, Dowling B, Owen C, Fleisig G.

Validation of a two-sensor IMU system for measuring jump height and wrist speed in volleyball players.

Holt T, Laughlin W, Koby C, Dowling B, Hansen B, Fleisig G.

Validation of a two-sensor IMU system for balance assessment and cervical spine range of motion measurement.

Dowling B, Owen C, Laughlin W, Hansen B.

A novel method for determination of cumulative workload for baseball pitchers.

Owen C, Dowling B, Close K, Hansen B.

Validation of a multi-sensor IMU system to measure active range of motion at the trunk and shoulder.

Hansen, B; Tubbs, T; Dowling, B; Mehta, S; Motus Global.

The relationship between throwing injury and acute:chronic valgus workload ratio in high school baseball players.

Laughlin W, Geronimo A, Close K, Holstad R, Hansen B.

A case study to examine the relationship between elbow valgus torque in football throwing and baseball pitching.

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