A typical day at Driveline usually consists of roughly 3-4 hours of training per day regardless of whether you are a pitcher or hitter.
All athlete programming, media, and data will be stored in TRAQ, which is an invaluable ally for our operations.
The gym operates on a schedule-based system called Virtuagym, where athletes can pick and choose the time slots that work best for their specific schedules and training programs.
Within Virtuagym, athletes will be able to access and sign up for a throwing (late morning / early afternoon), hitting (usually from 12pm until close), lifting (all day), or physical therapy slot (roughly noon-5pm) depending on programming. Slots are typically 1 hour and the number of athletes within one slot will be capped by a pre-designated total based on space and training floor availability.
There will always be enough slots to accommodate each individual athlete and their programming needs (for example, an athlete who has pulldowns on Tuesdays will be paired with other athletes who have pulldowns to encourage motivation and competition.)
Assessment athletes will have designated appointments arranged by our training floor staff for the first 3 days they’re at the facility.
Once trainees have their meeting with our staff, Virtuagym will be explained to them in detail so that each athlete is comfortable in scheduling the correct slots for their specific program.
Aside from taking Sundays to recover (the gym will be either low volume and/or closed to trainees on Sundays) athletes training at Driveline are expected to train roughly every day here at the facility. Outside of the time spent at the facility, athletes are on their own to do as they please. Most end up getting jobs that work around their training schedule once they get into a routine, and we encourage that every athlete gets adequate rest and recovery in to supplement their training.
Feel free to reach out at support@drivelinebaseball.com if you have any questions