TRAQ Organizations and Teams Management

TRAQ Organizations and Teams Management

Why is this useful?

Organization and Teams Management allows coaches and trainers to segment their athletes into smaller, more manageable groups. An athlete can be on any number of teams.

Organization Management

On the left side menu of TRAQ, you will see a collapsible tab labeled Organization Management. Click on it to reveal the two options Organizations and Teams.


When you click Organizations, you will be taken to a page listing all of the current Organizations your trainer account belongs to. Most likely, there will be just one Organization on this page, but certain trainers may belong to more than one facility. 

After selecting an Organization, from the General tab on this page you can edit certain aspects of your facility such as contact information and links to social networks or Acuity scheduling pages. 

From the Wo and Templates tabs on this page, you are able to alter what Base Software Programming Workouts and Templates are shown.

Creating Teams

When you click Teams under Organization Management on the left side menu, you will be taken to a page listing all of the teams at your facility. You can click on any existing team to edit, or you can click the Create button to create a team.

The required fields are marked with an asterisk. You can create as many teams as you would like. 

Adding Athletes or Trainers to Teams

Once you have created a team(s), you can add athletes or trainers by going to their profile page and clicking Edit. Select available teams from the box. 

If you would like to make it so that a trainer only sees the athletes on a specific team and not the entire organization, when you create a new trainer account, do not add an Organization, just add a team!

Once on the edit screen, scroll down to Organizations Info. You can select as many teams as you would like from the Team box, click Save to add the player to that team. 

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