Why is this useful?
Dashboards allow trainers to take any data that is entered into TRAQ and create a visual for themselves or for their athletes to track progress.
Athlete dashboards include linear graphs, bar graphs, peak graphs, and sortable tables. Athlete Dashboards are on the athlete home page so they are a great option to make sure athletes see any KPIs or data the trainer wants.
Facility dashboards include bar graphs and sortable tables.
Creating Facility Dashboards
To create Facility Dashboards, click on Data Dashboards under the Data Tools on the left side menu.
Creating Facility Dashboard Groups
Dashboard Groups help to organize dashboards, each facility can have an unlimited number of groups. Limiting each group to less than 10 dashboards will reduce loading times. To create a group, click on the gear wheel just to the right of the drop down box. You can move groups up and down on the options menu.
Creating the Dashboard
To create a Facility Dashboard, click the green Create Dashboard button. The Dashboard creation window will pop up. Name the Dashboard and select the Dashboard Group it belongs in. Select Table or Graph. Set the time period from which to pull data. Select either Group or Team. Group is the default option and will show you each individual player, the Team option will show you the full team averages. When you have selected your options, click the green Set Data button. A Select Data window will pop up. This window is where you will select the source(s) of data for the dashboard. If the data you would like to use was entered via Data Input, it will be in the Pitching, Hitting, or MedBall folders depending on the type of input. If the data you would like to use was entered via Assessments, it will be in the Assessment folder. If the data you would like to use was uploaded via baseball technology, it will be in the Platforms folder. If the data you would like to use was uploaded via Datasets, it will be in the Datasets folder. The Workout Statistics folder will calculate percentage of workouts that the athlete has completed. Once you have selected the sources of data, click Save. You can select as many sources as you would like and you can combine different sources such as Inputs, Assessments, and Platform data to display them all on the same dashboard.
Applying and Viewing Dashboards
Once you have created your Dashboard(s), make sure you are on the correct tab, whether it is Tables or Graphs, and select the athletes you would like to see the dashboards applied to from the filter section. Click Apply Changes to view your Dashboards.
Editing Facility Dashboards
To show, hide, edit, copy, or delete any created Dashboards, click on the List tab.
Creating Athlete Dashboards
From the Data Dashboards page, select Athletes Dashboards from the drop down menu. You will see a list of all created Athlete Dashboards.
Creating Athlete Dashboard Groups
Athlete Dashboard Groups are a way to organize the dashboards on the athlete's profile. We recommend keeping each group to under 10 dashboards to limit load times. To create a group, click on the gear wheel and click Add new. Groups can be moved to display ahead of other groups as well. To change the order in which dashboards are displayed within each group, click on Displaying Order and select the group from the drop down box. Rearrange your dashboards and click Save changes.
Creating the Athlete Dashboard
Click on Create Dashboard to open the Athlete Dashboard creation window. After you name the Dashboard and select the correct Dashboard Group from the drop down box, select what type of Dashboard to create, Table or Graph. If you select Table, you will default to the Report option. Report will display each metric from the selected time frame in the table. Select Total and use the drop down to view one row of average, minimum, or maximum data from that period. If you select Graphs, you will have 3 options, with the default option being a Bar Chart with 7 days of data displayed. With a Bar Chart, you can change the number of days between 1-7 but you cannot adjust the larger time period settings. Select Linear to create a linear graph. Select Peak to create a Peak graph. A Peak Graph compares an athlete to a selected group of athletes. When Peak is selected, you will see a second group of athletes appear at the bottom. This is the comparison group. Once you have selected the type of Dashboard, click on the time period that you would like to display data from. Then click on the green Set Data button to select your source(s) of data. If the data you would like to use was entered via Data Input, it will be in the Pitching, Hitting, or MedBall folders depending on the type of input. If the data you would like to use was entered via Assessments, it will be in the Assessment folder. If the data you would like to use was uploaded via baseball technology, it will be in the Platforms folder. If the data you would like to use was uploaded via Datasets, it will be in the Datasets folder. The Workout Statistics folder will calculate percentage of workouts that the athlete has completed. Once you have selected the sources of data, click Save. You can select as many sources as you would like and you can combine different sources such as Inputs, Assessments, and Platform data to display them all on the same dashboard. Lastly, you need to select which athlete's will see this dashboard on their profile. The default is All Facility Athletes, but you can use the Filters or List options to select groups of athletes or specific athletes, respectively. After completing all of these steps, click the green Save button in the top right corner to create this dashboard. Make sure Show is selected and not Hide so your athletes can see them!