Where can I find the PULSE QB app on the App Store?
You can find the PULSE QB app on the iOS App Store by searching for "PULSE QB." If you cannot find the App on the App Store just click on the following link:
PULSE QB on the App Store
**PULSE QB is not available on Android, macOS, or PC**
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PULSE Troubleshooting
If your Pulse sensor isn't functioning as expected, including connection issues, please try the following troubleshooting steps: Forget the Pulse sensor from both the Pulse Throw app and the iOS settings Make sure the Pulse Throw app is fully updated ...
PULSE Troubleshooting
If your Pulse sensor isn't functioning as expected, including connection issues, please try the following troubleshooting steps: Forget the Pulse sensor from both the Pulse Throw app and the iOS settings Make sure the Pulse Throw app is fully updated ...
PULSE Troubleshooting
If your Pulse sensor isn't functioning as expected, including connection issues, please try the following troubleshooting steps: Forget the Pulse sensor from both the Pulse Throw app and the iOS settings Make sure the Pulse Throw app is fully updated ...